Porto Santo – Madeira….

32:44.5 N 16:42.7W So, no food or drink for 72 hours & lying
in a dark bunk
does take its toll on you…….I discovered. After visually
hallucinating on Friday
morning due to lack of water (I had spent most of the journey
accompanied by 1920s
music – but musical delusion is quite common due to the noises
made by the
boat), I finally managed to keep a little bit of water down &
wasn’t quite
so dehydrated when we reached Porto Santo, but had to be helped
from the boat
as my legs were weak & it took the next 12hrs for my eyesight
to return to
normal & my focus finally came back…….a little bit scary &
I am glad we
weren’t doing a longer crossing. I was also incredibly frustrated
– to sail all
the way from Torquay to fall at the final hurdle was so
especially when I have managed to get a handle on my sea-sickness
in the past
few years! But what can you do? Be grateful my trousers are a
little looser, I
guess….. After a few jobs in the marina (getting some
more fuel &
chasing down a runaway fender) we went into Porto Santo for
dinner, at which
the wine took affect quite quickly on Bob, Ed & Diana (after
having had
such little sleep) & we ate quickly & headed back early to
bed. I can’t
tell you how grateful I was not to spend the night curled up in a
ball fending
off various items flying towards me as the boat heeled…….I know
everyone else
was grateful for a good kip too.
Saturday morning arrived & we were ready
for our very
final leg (for now). There were jokes about me catching the ferry
over to
Madeira – but those of you who know me well enough should know I
do live by the
motto “if you fall off a horse, you get right back on “ (which
actually happened
in Cusco earlier this year!) – so there was no stopping me, thank
you very much!
And what a lovely passage; beautiful NW winds & sunshine meant
we sailed
the whole 4 hours over to the larger island – there were a few
little squalls
on the way, but that made it even more exhilarating! It was a joy
to see Ed
sail towards his final goal…….am so proud of him for making this
dream a
reality & getting Aardvarc to its destination…..a magnificent
*I raise my G&T to you* On the way over we enacted a burial at sea of a
tooth, accidentally included in a jiffy bag delivery of spares,
from Ocean Canvas of Plymouth
In his 1:50 euro T shirt from Morocco... Our destination was the small marina at Quinta
do Lorde, on
the east of the island. This is a relatively new harbour, which is
at the
centre of a small new development built into the steep cliffs, the
rest of
which is due to open in December. Ed had found it when he was on
the island
last year with Charlotte, Granny & Granddad & had then
decided that was
where he wanted to keep the Aardvarc during its stay here. It’s
reminiscent of “The Prisoner”, especially as there is no-one
around at the
moment, it’s a bit eerie. However, the marina team are very
friendly &
incredibly conscientious, so it seems like the perfect place to be
based for a
Quinta do Lorde Marina and complex It’s been an amazing experience, a completely
different way
to travel, which can’t compare. Even after my 3 days of “hell” I
would jump
back on-board in an instant (ok, as long as we had enough hands
for a long
passage!) & hope to do exactly that once the skipper decides
on the
next journey & despite
the fabulous
draw of Madeira, I get a funny feeling that won’t be too far away
in the future……….. Thanks Heather…. Also a very big thank you to everyone who has
helped me
achieve this journey, in particular: Sailor V, Bear Lee Competent, Neil Lee
Competent, Monkertron,
Daisy Kipper and King Neptune. Also Bruce Buckley for his expert weather
advice and
AnnieDav for looking after the home and the hounds. Yours saltily… Loup de Mer. |