Journey to Australia

Journeys of Aardvarc
Tue 22 Jul 2008 03:09
<<DSC04681.JPG>> on 21:04S 154:28E
We set out from Port Vila, Efate Island, Vanuatu 5 days ago, 17th July.
We have covered over 900 miles and have about 350 to go.The pictures
show : the brightest cloured rainbow we think we have ever seen, over
Port Vila harbour.
Our young local guides and newspaper sellers who led/followed us
everywhere and needed money for new football boots!
The largest moth ever seen also landed on the aft deck. Any
lepidopterists ( is that right?) among you may be able to identify it,
but we can't....unless it's a Hawksbill, think that's a moth. Anyway,
whatever it was it flew off....
We were joined one night by a young booby, he settled on the cockpit
canopy and stayed for about 6 hours until it got light and then
effortlessly glided away ( without a word of thanks, no manners these
boobies!). I think I startled him a little with the flash on the camera,
so maybe my fault.
We have just received a forecast indicating some stormy weather off the
Australian coast so have altered course to enter the inside of the
barrier reef via a safer, if longer, route. (Capricorn
All being well we should be in Thursday midday ish. ( 24th)
She'll be right, Bonza etc .....