Ile D'Yeu, Port Joinville

Journeys of Aardvarc
Thu 12 Jul 2012 16:29
Had a slight change of plan.
We were heading for Les Sables D'Olonne but woke to a Southwesterly force 5 which can make the shallow entrance
into a mass of breaking waves. Also rainy and cloudy so a 60 mile trip less inviting.
We settled for 33 miles to this small island.
Off to explore shortly so will report later.
Last night cooked onboard, steak and rocket salad, very nice.
Pornichet is a holiday resort and a bit soulless but served the purpose.
Heather is here seen making a playlist out of my songs on the Ipad, somehow she
managed to find 53 that she liked! my taste can't be that bad after all.....
P.S The ship was at anchor waiting to go up the Loire.
Au revoir tout le monde