Day 6

Journeys of Aardvarc
Tue 29 Jan 2008 14:35
Day 5 ..major tragedy, ran out of HP
Compensated for by first catch of the trip..a
vicious looking Barracuda.. small but tough! ( and chewy)
Plan is for "Cuda Creole" for tonight's
Winds touched low to mid 40 knots last night, not a
lot of sleep what with all the noise ( and that's just Robert!)
We are on course for arrival in Panama tomorrow
Deck inspection this morning : about 30 tiny flying
fish ( Kamikazi species), rapidly pursued by sea birds and consequent
Photo to follow of wonderful Parasail spinnaker,
extremely steady , stopped the boat rolling and gave us 8 knots in light
Sorry no pics as hard to send while at sea but will
make up for it if we get a wif fi connection in Panama.