
Journeys of Aardvarc
Thu 26 Jul 2012 19:25
43:07.58N 09:10.92W Rather an eventful day. We left La Coruna after filling up with Diesel. Sailed past Torre de Hercules again ![]() All going well for the first hour and a half and then we hit fog... ![]() It was thick, and got thicker 15 metres visibility at its worst. However, we have radar, and it works...phew. Picked up several small yachts and confirmed our findings by sailing past them! Sadly for Heather none of them were the black pearl ( with Mr J Depp) ![]() Then suddenly the boat lurched and slowed right down, what now??? The engine was running but no speed, was there something around the propeller? Nothing for it but to don wet suit and jump in ( water temperature 16deg C) And there it was, a big mass of fishing net wrapped around the prop. I cut it free with my trusty knife ( already in use once this week) and voila...all was well again ![]() We headed off for Camarinas and arrived about half five. What a change after Coruna. So friendly, cheap marina fees, gas available and everywhere we went with our gas cylinder people were stopping us to give us directions.. Much happier now.. Off out for tea ( and gin) |