St Lucia to Antigua

Journeys of Aardvarc
Fri 8 May 2009 18:59
position 17:00N 061:46W
Sorry for the delay but was not sure if I
should continue after the circumnavigation was complete but we have had more
adventures so best to put them up on the blog.
We left St Lucia on 5th May and it rained
and it rained. We arrived in Martinique the same day.
Martinique was an interesting French
island but, like La Reunion in the Indian Ocean, full of cars and traffic
jams.....on this occasion made worse by several mud slides and local flooding
caused by the heavy rain. Had some nice French food but the towns were not very
interesting so we headed off for Antigua.
This is a very pretty island with many
interesting aspects relating to Nelson's time here. However, people not very
friendly, everything expensive and we decided not to stay long.
You can see the lazy locals on one of the
pictures. Also a beautiful yacht with a black hull that I coveted. It's a
Hinckley, American built and this one was called