Wildlife in Colon

Journeys of Aardvarc
Thu 31 Jan 2008 17:51
Last time we came to Colon it was in 1996 and we anchored among rusty old
ships and I think it rained every day.
This time it's sunny, hot 33 degrees and we are in a new marina with
restaurant, wi fi, showers, laundry and pet buzzards!
The jungle is the backdrop and we are planning a
short expedition to find local monkeys.
On a walk along the breakwater I encountered 7
buzzards, I think they are Turkey Buzzards, quite tame and I got to within 3
feet of a couple.
The Panama canal staff are very helpful, brought us
complimentary T shirts and local guide leaflets. We are awaiting the complicated
process of measuring the boat before it can be scheduled for transit of the
canal. The plan is to go through the first lock late afternoon and then anchor
in Gatun lake overnight before an early morning sail accross the lake ( about 20
miles ) to the locks on the other side. We are likely to be rafted up with two
other yachts.