
Journeys of Aardvarc
Tue 19 May 2009 19:35
position 32:17.4N 064:47.3W
The leg up to Bermuda was quite choppy
with a lot of headwinds.
We arrived on 19th May.
On the way we saw lots of jellyfish and
this has continued all the way across the Atlantic.
I think they are 'Velella' or 'Sail
Jellyfish' which do not sting but they also look a bit like Portuguese Men
of War that do....
Bermuda is very pretty with beautiful
beaches and clear turquoise waters. It is v expensive.
You cannot hire cars so we had to hire
scooters. Sadly Heather achieved a Bermudan tattoo, as the locals call it, after
an argument with a wall.
I was very proud to receive the document
you can see referring to me as Captain Edward prior to setting off across the
Atlantic for my first trans-oceanic passage as