Deep sea fishing, carnival

Journeys of Aardvarc
Fri 8 Feb 2008 19:29
Time for another update.
Tomorrow we set off for Ecuador, this will take
about 5 days so communications will be limited till the end of next
We are just waiting to get our passports back from
the officials and have meantime bought some courtesy flags for Polynesian
islands, Tonga and Vanuato.
Makes it seem all the more real to have these on
board and ready.
Panama has been very exciting to visit again but we
are ready for the off and will be glad to get sailing again, It gets a bit hot
on land without the cooling effect of the sea.
Hope you like the photos.
We went Big Game fishing to celebrate Paul's
special birthday on 5th. The fish is a yellow fin tuna, about 10lbs in weight,
had some last night with saute potatoes and parsley sauce....delicious. The
birds in flight are the beautiful pelicans.
Also you can see pictures from the carnival. "You
can only have one of those huge deep fried cakes senor!! "
The fakir who lay on the nails rather obviously
shoved a large piece of cardboard down his trousers before lying
The Police who ride two up on motor bikes with the
pillion carrying a machine gun...bit scary!
We went to a mall to do some shopping and were
amazed by the proportions of the models in the window...they certainly have an
inflated opinion of themselves, Robert was weighing them up as you can
Love to all