
Journeys of Aardvarc
Mon 23 Jul 2012 19:08
Today's blog was sponsored by "Queen" who provided the musical accompaniment to our sailing.
We started in an exciting manner as the man on the boat next door in Gijon had encountered a problem with a rope around his propeller.
This had stopped it working properly and he had great difficulty going forward or astern.
He had tried to get a diver to no avail and the next option was to have a crane brought in, at great expense , to lift the boat out of the water ( all 15 tons of it)
He was very pleased when I offered to swim under his boat to have a look.
Armed with a serrated knife I swam under with my face mask on and found a huge wrap of fishermans polypropylene rope all round the prop and twisted into an all mighty mess.
I set about it with my knife and cut it all free.
When I surfaced with the aforesaid mess he was delighted. He was able to continue sailing and no expense or effort involved.
It turns out he lives in Somerset and comes from a famous family of cheesemakers.
We were thus delighted when he turned up shortly afterwards with 3 packs off vintage cheddar and a bottle of champagne!
Blessed are the cheesemakers!!!
The passage to Ribadeo was 65 miles and included some good downwind sailing so that we arrived with our fuel tanks full.
Rather surprisingly Heather was accosted by a large Bumble bee when we were about 3 miles offshore, she has that alluring quality....
Final drama was a passage under the road bridge at Ribadeo, have a look at the photos and tell me if you think we will manage it.....