Islas Marquesas

Journeys of Aardvarc
Thu 3 Apr 2008 04:52
Sorry for the delay in updating this
Email is difficult and internet non
We are delighted with the Marquesas. There are so
many beautiful aspects.
Arrival was at Hiva OA, and we anchored in Traitors
Visited Paul Gauguin's grave and also that of
Jaques Brel, apparently a famous Belgian singer though I had not heard of him.
Gauguin was previously a Paris stockbroker who gave it all up to move to French
Polynesia and paint in his unique if rather simple style, we saw lots of
reproductions of his paintings in the museum.
Sailed from there to Tuhatua, just to the south and
landed on a beautiful beach, shame about the large waves which rolled us over
and swamped the dinghy.
Tried to liberate some coconuts from the trees,
managed to get one, delicious milk and soft lining, so unlike those at
AT the next landing we found a mango tree with
loads of windfalls and feasted on juicy delicious flesh. We were offered wood
and bone carvings by the locals, who were very welcoming and invited us to join
them in a game of boules or beach volleyball!!
Nearby snorkelling was exciting....... a large
6ft reef shark swam underneath me and Robert.
Didn't seem interested in us thankfully, hope that means I am not to sharks' taste and will not have problems in the future. Can't get much shopping here, no fresh meat, very
few veg and salads, living on baked beans ( no not really but have had to resort
to them sometimes.)
Yesterday we were in Fatu Hiva and went on a jungle
excursion to a waterfall. Took us an hour to get there....35-40 degrees C....
stumbling over slippery rocks alongside a small river, armed with home made
walking sticks and walking boots.
It was amazing!! water falling into a pool from 200
metres up. We swam in the water and drank from the waterfall to refresh us. Only
problem was little crayfish that kept nipping our toes.
It was a real jungle trek.
When we got back Robert and Paul went off
bartering, went out with two old bits of rope and came back with 40 banannas, a
coconut, 20 lemons, 10 huge grapefruit ( pampelmouse) and 2
papayas, not a bad deal!!!
We are now back in Hiva Oa and heading north for
Nuka Hiva where maybe there will be more goods available to stock up before our
journey to Tahiti.
Lots of flies around called NoNos, nasty bity
things you can see but leave their itchy mark.
Will upload loads of photos when we get a good
connection...we have hundreds!!!
Having beef curry with coconut milk
Bye for now |