Journey to Galapagos

Journeys of Aardvarc
Wed 27 Feb 2008 17:43
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Just a quick update. We had hoped to reach Galapagos today but an
unusually strong current has been against us ( it should have been
helping us!). The effect being we are going 4 knots slower than we
should have and do not expect to arrive until Friday 29th at San
Cristobal island.
We are seeing lots of whales and seabirds, swallow tailed gulls and
boobies that fly with the boat at night waiting for us to disturb flying
fish so that they can catch them on the wing.
The Pacific is beautiful, very calm at the moment with huge, but gentle
swells with 100 metres between peaks.
We have occasional exceptionally heavy rain squalls and you can see one
in the distance on the photos.
Oe excellent photo by Sam shows that we caught a huge ( 20lb) Dorada (
Mahi Mahi), took 30 mins to reel it in and land it. Paul is competing
with his flying fish caught by hand ( quick reflexes!) and Robert is
helping to give a perspective to the picture emphasising how big the
fish is!!
It went down very well, lightly fried in butter and with baked aubergine
and savoury rice.
Just a reminder; the website for tracking our progress is
Username is : intotheblue
Password is : track
You can zoom in and out to see us on a map or on google earth.
Christine would like to add a few words:
After a hectic tour of Peru, which we all really enjoyed we have now
settled into the lazier life on board "Into the Blue". The crossing to
Galapagos is longer than we expected, due to the adverse currents, but
we are spending our days relaxing, reading, fixing the odd thing, but
mainly scanning the ocean. Whales and dolphins have been sighted.
Beautiful sunny days and starry nights. Life could be worse!!
Next thing to look forward to is our Galapagos Islands cruise.