Over half way!

Journeys of Aardvarc
Tue 18 Mar 2008 22:46
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We are now over half way to the Marquesas. Our progress has been
excellent and we are looking to arrive early with a passage time of
17-18 days. Not bad for 3000 miles.
Apart from a short burst at the beginning when there was very little
wind we have not used the engine and although the wind drops a little at
night it has been consistently there for us.
Most of the time it is from the same direction, Easterly, so from behind
us. That means warm dry sailing without too much crashing around.
Not a lot to report at the moment. Paul and Robert have fitted some new
electrical sockets, we have fixed a few things like the stern light, the
washboards in the shower, and the pan clamps on the cooker.
Fish are a bit scarce.
Maybe to do with it being 5000metres deep here!!
Since Galapagos we have seen on fishing vessel and one of the other
yachts and that's all.
We swapped some tuna for some milky ways with the other sailing boat and
you can see some pictures of it after it had come along aside.
Happy Easter to all!!