Cadiz to Mohammedia

33.42.7N 07.23.9W Upon leaving Cadiz marina we narrowly missed a nudge from a German cruise liner heading into the port, then before long we had cut off the corner (& about 8 miles) & we were at sea on our way to Africa! We put the fishing line out & settled in for the day. Ed & Bob used the time to tackle a few tasks on the boat (checking the water maker & rerouting the wifi bat wire through the lazarette), while Diana kept a look out for fishing pots & tankers in the shipping lanes, coming from the Gibraltar Straits, & I tried not to feel too sick!! As dusk fell we reeled the line in only to find that something had bitten through the trace & the lure had disappeared........Big Reg???
We decided to begin our 3hr watches at 7pm, Bob
& Diana
starting & handing over to Ed & I at 10pm, to make sure
that we all got
plenty of rest overnight. During our 1st watch Ed & I
the phosphorescence in the water & I was sent into the heads
to flush the
toilet in the dark to see the glow……very exciting! We also spent
some time
lying in the cockpit pointing out constellations & spotting
shooting stars
in the beautiful clear skies – I made a number wishes. During Bob
& Diana’s
2nd shift they were happily sailing along when a dark
shadow rose
out of the mist……Bob had to grab the helm to avoid what seemed to
be an 80ft
yacht at full sail, with no lights or emitting any radar
signal…….not the way
to travel! On our 2nd watch (4am-7am) Ed &
I watched the
sunrise over the African coast & spent a good couple of hours
trying to
remember the name of a famous actor (turns out it was Jim
Broadbent) – oh! The
fun we have! J We arrived at the entrance to Rabat around 8am,
timed for high water & to enter the river leading to the
marina. However,
the swell from the sea was about 5-6m & the waves were
crashing against the
breakwater that was protecting the estuary making it totally
impossible for us to
continue & upon calling the marina we found out that they had
closed the
port due to the swell. So, we had no choice other than to continue
on to
For 28nm we passed an interesting coastline, lined with Minarets, but we were quite concerned with the large swell that crashed huge waves on the shore. But finally arrived at our destination & an easy entrance to the “marina” protected by a large breakwater, phew! We pulled up alongside a boat from South Africa & they were very helpful in getting us tied up. We then declared our intentions on leaving the boat for a few days in order to explore & the team from the marina obligingly moved a motor boat to another mooring so that we could tie up against the pontoon & not get in anyone’s way. Everyone seems so friendly & we had a huge gang helping us move around the moorings, both marina staff & people from other boats, such a great welcome to Morocco!
In order to get the boat secured we left a
couple of customs
officials waiting on the pontoon, we hoped that this wouldn’t go
against us having
heard that they can be jobsworths & make entry extremely
was my first experience of being boarded & asked our
intentions & cargo
– it was quite daunting – despite them looking like extras from
the Sacha Baron
Cohen movie, The Dictator! Our 1st visit was from the
followed by the police & customs……Ed took it all in his
stride, we laughed
& joked with them, they suggested some places to stay along
the coast &
I was even offered a job with the admin team, due to my computer
skills! Overall,
not at all the scary encounter I had imagined…….let’s hope it
continues that
way! With customs cleared we cracked on with
planning the itinerary
for the next few days, liaising with people at
& then
heading off to find the train station to book tickets to
Marrakech. Unaware of
our surroundings we started to wander in what we thought might be
the right direction
for the centre of town……a couple of locals noticed we were looking
quite lost
& suddenly we had a new tour guide; Mohammed! He took us into
town, through
the medina, past the local hospital & finally to La Gare,
where we were
able to book our return tickets from Marrakech on Saturday, but
strangely we
have to go back tomorrow morning an hour before our train to buy
our outward
bound tickets. Mohammed then took us to Carrefour for provisions,
were everyone
seemed to be stocking up on booze, for Eid?? A couple of petit
taxis back to
the marina (Bob & Diana did a slight detour to all other local
with ‘marina’ in the name) & we were back at the port…… |