Ghost Town

Journeys of Aardvarc
Tue 13 Jan 2009 23:53
10 miles south of Luderitz is an old
mining town called Kolmannskuppe.
In its heyday ( 1920s), it was a very
prosperous area, producing large quantities of diamonds.
The town had its own Casino, bowling
alley, gym, hospital etc. Later more diamonds were found further south near the
Orange river and many people moved away. The final person left in 1956.
Since then the desert has been gradually reclaiming the land and many houses are
buried under sand.
It has recently been renovated to
preserve as a sort of museum and you can see many of the original features in
the pictures including dentists chair, nurses uniforms, surgical instruments
etc. The bowling alley is still intact.
Our guide was a lovely local woman who
whistled " Santa Claus is coming to town" in between her talks, can't think