Riposto Sicily (Mt Etna)
Rich Carey
Mon 26 Jun 2017 08:39
37:43.835N 015:12.524E
Nice enough Marina, but very expensive (130 euro a night, with lece and water extra). We'd come across to Sicily in tandem with Our twin, Victory Cat, and berthed within hailing distance. We all went to dinner. They headed out next day, as they had a medical
appointment in Catania on Tuesday. We went up Mt Etna - expensive (120 euro each for the approx 4 hrs excursion), but worth it. You don't get anywhere near the dangerous fully active summit, but close enough to be 'off' world' in the old lava fields. Steam
out of the rocks and mega craters. A very black world up there, surreal in that there is a ski resort! Bosun came too, and had a good time in a world even more alien to him (most places are alien to him!). The view of the smoking Volcano from our yachts windows
was really good. Overall, an expensive but worthy two night stop.