Run aground!

Sarah Grace goes to sea
Chris Yerbury and Sophy White
Thu 27 Apr 2006 11:21
Run Aground: April onwards
Well, we are now grounded
back in Somerset. The last two weeks have passed in a whirl of
paperwork and suitcases. The girls are back at school, we are back in a
house, our dog is just all feels rather strange, and of course
very cold. We have forgotten how to live with the cold.....I find myself
thinking that I don't feel very well, and then realize that it is just that
I am freezing. I am sitting in a garden shed freezing right now, tapping
this in. It is actually an office with an internet connection,(thanks
Tim). Chris said yesterday,'It feels like time to pull up the anchor
and move on,' though we have only been back two weeks. I don't think the
barn is especially seaworthy, but the good ship Sarah Grace is safely
chocked up in Grenada, so we will have to wait until our return to her at the
end of the year.
The weirdest thing is that
it feels as though we have been doing this absolutely epic thing, the
last 12 months feel as though they have spanned at least five
years, and yet all is just as we left it at home.....
Here are a series of
photographs of the Sarah Grace coming out, with her bemused crew

So here she is in her
resting position. We hope to be back sailing before too long, during which
time this diatribe will continue. xxx