Union Island

Sarah Grace goes to sea
Chris Yerbury and Sophy White
Mon 16 Jan 2006 20:24
Union Island 16th January 2006
We're anchored behind a reef in Clifton Harbour, Union Island.  The wind is blowing over the boat off the Atlantic at about twenty knots, and we have wind scoops (old shower curtains mainly) tied above all the hatches to direct the luxurious draft inside the hot boat.
Mimi has locked herself in her cabain and says she is on strike.  This is because she has been banned from having crisps today after secretly scoffing a load of them yesterday.   She is doing well with her schoolwork, as we are using a tape recorder to learn spellings, twice a day, and plodding through 'Stare-way to Spelling,' the top 300 words in the English language.  She had a friend over on a sleepover last night called Emma, and they woke up this morning, had a game of chess, and then went swimming off the end of the boat, all before breakfast. 
We've been ashore to drop off the rubbish and buy some bananas.  I have been trying to economise by buying local things like dasheen ( a huge yam-like thing ) and eddos ( lots of small yam like things ).   I had a bit of a reaction to peeling the eddos though, and had a really painful prickly rash for an hour or so.  So I am now a little wary of exotica..  The yoghurt factory is going well.   Settlers of Catan, a nerdy world-domination board game, is proving popular amongst fellow cruisers.  While the girls were off with friends this morning, Chris and I had a long chat with charts, atlases and pilots scattered around, along the lines of 'Where to from here?'.  Brazil, Beleize, Cuba, Florida, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, all very confusing.  The upshot of this was that we think we are going to head south for a bit longer, probably via Tobago, to Trinidad, and then have another ponder there, depending on what we think of things there.
Such is the exciting pace of life on the good ship Sarah Grace.
Otti and Mimi with friends watching a DVD.
At anchor.
Racing boats made of coconut husks off the beach.