Madeira 1st October

Sarah Grace goes to sea
Chris Yerbury and Sophy White
Sat 1 Oct 2005 09:24
Madeira October 1st 2005
We made the crossing from Porto Santo(volcanic rock island) over thirty nautical miles of sea to Madeira (large volcanic rock island), in the company of two other yachts..  A word of advice gentle reader, do not mention the 'R' word to a bunch of skippers.  No sooner had we left the harbour, than Chris was dragging spinackers(sp?) from the hold, and cranking and tweaking every thing like mad.  Despite leaving a good quarter of an hour earlier than the other boats, our headstart didn't last.  We were overtaken quickly by Regina and Koshlong, all flying as much canvas as possible.  We didn't quite go to the lengths of throwing all the water and cannons overboard to catch up, but Chris is now using insulting language about our home, like 'tub', and 'slow'.  Here of a picture of Chris sailing last into Maderia.  Despite much prepassage bragging, NO-ONE caught any tuna or dorado today.  Mimi was especially disappointed that our new octopus lure did not work.
Otti had a great birthday beach party, followed by a birthday tea on board, and a game of roulette.  It was suprising how quickly seven kids who have never been to a casino take to roulette..........
Here is a picture of Otti on her birthday.
We intend to make our stay here shortish as we want to get to the Canaries.   We are going to hire a car today and tear around looking for gas, as we have nearly run out of cooking gas.  So it's not all romantic vistas and cocktails, beleive me.  I am now about to do a family wash by hand, sitting on the pontoon, and hope that it won't get blown away by the willywaws after being pegged out.........