Plain sailing 38 26N 44 52W

Sarah Grace goes to sea
Chris Yerbury and Sophy White
Fri 8 Jun 2007 06:18
 For the last 3 days and nights we have had the best sailing so far. We are gradually making our way around the north of a large area of high pressure that is providing us with calm seas, 10-15knt winds and bright sunshine. Good speeds with minimum effort and today a boost from the Gulf Stream too. What a treat after the grim grey near gale conditions we were beating into last week. We are still sailing up wind but with flat seas there is no spray or jolting as SG glides along.
 Tonight has been magical: a classic sunset with orange wispy clouds lit up from below against a sky that shaded from pale to darkest blue. Just after I came on watch the half moon rose from the horizon as orange as a candle flame. There is a long trail of phosphorescence behind us in the black water and a few minutes ago three dolphins were darting around by the bows. Their bodies were lit with stardust clearly showing their narrow snouts, fins and tails with a long underwater comets tail of glowing phosphoresence marking their sinuous paths. It doesn't come much better than this.