On Route to Bermuda

Sarah Grace goes to sea
Chris Yerbury and Sophy White
Sat 12 May 2007 23:21
Position N27 50' W73 50'
What is this sailing all about? just as you think your getting somewhere you get a forecast of a storm ahead, so now we are sailing east to avoid the worst but that doesn't take us a lot closer to our destination. So far the winds have been light and not all together favourable but we are plodding along and everyone is in the grove of life on board. There are the plus sides of watching the Dolphins play, today we had a large pod that came very close to the boat and started doing the most amazing things. I thought that they must have been trained at Disney Land with all there leaps and co-ordinated jumps, if only we had a beach ball !! Life takes on a very relaxed easy pace, even the night watches are easy as there are very few ships to worry about and you can still do the watch in T-shirt and shorts, although we have definately left the tropics behind as the nights are getting shorter with just a hint of freshness to the night air. Doing the noon sight on my sextant also give an indication of progress. When we started out the noon site was taken at around 13.30h local time, now my sight is taken in the same hour as London, albeit 50min later. Tomorrow should see us pass the halfway point to Bermuda although we will still have a bit of sailing to do after that. Still we'll plod on and see what happens, hopefully Bermuda will be more "yacht friendly" and compact than America.