Survived Brexit and Covid, back in Port La Foret

CR and KN Williams
Sat 26 Jun 2021 09:43

47.53.90N 3.58,53W 


26th June, 2021 


After 9 months we’re finally back! 


Clare spent days sorting out all the paperwork and so we got here without too much delay. There were only 30 cars on the vast Brittany Ferries boat on the way over and they’ve cancelled our St Malo return crossing; it hardly matters since Caen is only an hour or so further. 


The Fischer-Panda had been serviced and predictably stopped after 5 mins with all the red lights flashing. I found that I had, very, foolishly failed to delve into a locker to check the stopcock and it was shut. I assumed I’d overheated it and trashed the impeller, but when the boss man came back, he took about an hour to discover that the impeller was intact but the stopcock to the fuel pump had been left shut as well. I suspect his lad was in for an earful. 

That apart, the wireless anemometer packed up so we’ve spent £600 on a new one; I belatedly noticed that, despite being solar powered, it has a replacement battery for only £60. This may be the solution but it’s too late now, although it’s worth knowing (and remembering!). Clare, having heard about dead husbands being stuck at top of the mast, won’t let me climb up to fit it and I can’t say I’m too insulted.