all quiet on the Pacific front

CR and KN Williams
Wed 1 Apr 2009 19:55
3.53N 80.23W
Yesterday we actually sailed for 12hrs with 10-12kts initially dead ahead. We elected to turn inshore and sail upwind hoping to catch a West going current 3 days later. In the event the wind dropped at 9pm last night so we're back on the engine but at least we're going where we're going. Despite all the fuel polishing the water separator sight glass was half full of filthy grey muck.
We're well out the shipping lanes now and seen only 3 boats in 36hrs.
Contrary to popular opinion, this trip to Tahiti is not just an extended holiday on my part. Rather it is the opportunity to test and if necessary explode some sacred cows (whilst of course mixing plenty of metaphors). This boat is a floating laboratory, a hive of scientific experiment, and Panulirus will no doubt one day be mentioned in the same breath as the Beagle. I am in the process of researching whether the water does in fact go down the plug-hole in the opposite direction when you cross the equator. (If somebody back home can research whether I quailfy for any academic grants for this research - possibly amounting to a first class upgrade on my way home - I'd be most grateful.) Early experiments are proving inconclusive. At first I was confident that the kitchen (sorry, galley) sink was draining anti-clockwise. But my funnel seems to drain clockwise. Sometimes it drains with no vortex at all and sometimes it is clearly influenced by the way the water is spinning before draining. I intend to develop a a stable system which yields consistent results before we hit the equator. I must return to my studies. Bye for now.
Professor Guido
Keith's new high definition camera is to be used to flm the conclusive experiments..The sun is shining, the sea is blue and this is very different from any trips we've made before. The Pacific is living up to its name but probably has some tricks in store.
Hopefully the wind (all 5 knots) will turn S. and then S.E soon.