Back to Ogun's place

36.41N 27.34E Sunday 16th June 2013. Back, after 15 odd years, in Ogun’s place at Ova Buku. As
always a bit smarter but much the same Semra, his sister, has set up a place in
Lyons but remarkably is coming back tomorrow, sadly not to cook though. Ogun remains
much the same, like me a bit stouter, but with the same pressure of speech. His
hotel is now very smart. We got here by sailing almost all the way thanks to C, which
she appeared to enjoy. Having stopped in several places the main difference is that
the town quays have all been taken over by the council, this has two effects;
firstly they take £20-30 from you each day and secondly, whereas previously the
quay was bursting with waiters eager to take your lines, now there is one bored
council worker who couldn’t care less and takes a 3hour lunch break. It’s a bit
like the NHS. They also allow their cousins in gulets to, literally, push their
way into a space the size of a dinghy, and 60metre gin palaces to do the same
and then run their engines all night so their clients can enjoy the totally
unnecessary air conditioning. I threatened them with the Police which, to my surprise,
worked; we slept all night. Premier Erdogan seems to have a death wish; his latest plan to
create a radical Islamic state is to ban all alcohol within 100m of both
mosques and schools and to make female tourists wear headscarves. This will
obviously kill off the entire tourist industry and the vast amounts of mainly
American aid. The elections here are about as credible as the Chinese and
Stalin’s. A friend says she has been to Constantinople several times in recent years
and each time it is measurably more Muslim. I suppose nothing stays the same, but why does it always
change for the worse? K We have just been in Datca which still has good restaurants
but the town planners have turned the bustling town quay into a concrete area
with no shade. The cafes have been moved further back which is a shame. The weather forecast was for gusts up to 30 kn this
afternoon so we left early and had a lovely sail. We are now safely parked and
listening to the wind whistling. A charter boat has just had a nightmare time
trying to tie up. Ogun’s place is
really lovely now. Much the same but beautiful tiles and some fountains dotted
around. He is still keeping an eye on everything and chatting to everyone. Something
has at least changed for the better. Also the new rules about holding tanks and
pollution seem to have stopped the gulets polluting the bays and harbours. Even
in Datca harbour the sea is pristine and you can clearly see the bottom. Sadly it is still a bit chilly for me (22 deg)! But it
should warm up over the summer and I can start swimming again. C |