12.04N 68.51W 14th April, 2008 Keith, We’ve been here for more than a week and not done very much. A week or so nesting and repairing the inevitably failing water pump, but otherwise not much has gone wrong. We motored nearly 2 miles against the wind to a wonderful place called Fuik Boca which is a bay about a mile long and 300 yds wide. We were outraged to wake up and find not one, but two, English had appeared overnight; one even sporting a blue ensign. We beat a hasty retreat back to our lovely marina in Spanish Water ( Spaansewater ) and have done little but shop ever since. We’ll go tomorrow and anchor in our bay ( quelle histoire ! ) and then just potter around until we get hauled out in Willemstad on, I hope, the 30th. Thence back to England prior to what is increasingly looking like a Panama transit in March ’09. We would love to have someone ( 1 or 2 ) join us, particularly for longer hops. Our plans are, bureaucracy, wind and waves permitting Launch from Curacao 17th Nov 2008 Curacao to Cartagena 19th Nov to 26th Nov Cartagena to Colon 30th Nov to 7th Dec Flying home 11th December Transit Panama Canal week beginning 23rd March, (joined by Guy until ?end May) Panama City for Galapagos 27th March to 3rd April Galapagos to Marquesas 6th April to 30th April Marquesas to Tahiti 4th to 11th May Cruising French Polynesia End May/mid June This allows for inevitable delays. Clare, We have been to the seaquarium and watched other people swimming with dolphins and kissing sealions…great fun but too scary for me. K was dying to leap into the water but I restrained him. Also a visit to an ostrich farm and a beach with wonderful snorkelling The 30th April is a holiday for the Queen’s (? Which one ) birthday and the 1st May is labour day so they have taken the 2nd off as well.! Luckily we have spotted this in advance and have to go to the boatyard on 29th. Good excuse to spend a night in an old Landhuis which is a restaurant with rooms. |