half way to AUS

CR and KN Williams
Sun 1 Aug 2010 04:52
23.00S 158.44E
Sunday 1/8/10 00:02
At last he has switched the tumble-drier off and we
can move without falling over. After 3 days I'd got to the point where even
passing a teaspoon was too much effort.
Downside is the engine's on but I don't care!
Genoa wrapped itself round the forestay 6 times
which took 1.5 hrs to sort out (top tip: drive round in circles but make sure
you're going the right way round : clockwise in this case ).
GPS packs up at least once per watch now, and the
autopilot goes with it usually. Easily reset by switching off and on again,
but one wouldn't wish to be stuck in the loo when it happens. I've got a spare
GPS but I think it's an NMEA problem so will leave well alone for a
The list of TTD is growing but just for a few hours
I'm rejoicing in a stable environment. Beautiful moonlight tonight.
Very peaceful day with no wind at all but more is
coming so we are catching up on sleep and enjoying the luxury of eating off a
plate and not out of lurching bowls. Blue sky and sun again too and warm..We are
still in the tropics after all.