Nei'afu,Tonga Sublime singing (not us) in church

CR and KN Williams
Sun 13 Jun 2010 03:51
18.39S 173.59W
Sunday 13 June
We went to church this morning to hear the amazing
Tongan singing. Everyone was in their Sunday Best with a lot of grass skirts in
evidence and little girls prancing around in pretty frocks, The small boys were
wriggling and trying to behave badly.
After weeks of being just the 2 of us we have met
up with people from Rarotonga and a scottish boat we met in Curacao, and Tahiti.
It is fun to have someone to gossip with for a change. A number of people we met
last year have put off going up through Indonesia and are still in the Pacific
waiting to see what happens with the Somali pirates. Maybe the Cape of Good Hope
Keith has removed the ? offending starter motor and
will try and find an engine person tomorrow. The Sabbath is strictly observed
here; no work (apart from starter motors), no shops and even no air