You say goodbye, we say Hello, hello, hello

andromeda of plymouth
Susan and Andrew Wilson
Tue 22 Jul 2014 21:31
It’s been a very busy couple of weeks here in Lagos, we thought we would be able to take it a bit easy but with a deadline to meet we soon in the thick of things again. We will be heading back to sunny, and yes apparently it is very sunny and hot there at the moment, UK, tomorrow morning with a relatively short flight to Gatwick.
Andromeda has almost been scrubbed from one end to the other, most of her lockers have been emptied and restacked and we have been getting rid of a bit of stuff too. In some places we suddenly have extra room, especially now everything has been put back again. We were doing an impression of Widow Twanky’s laundry for a while and it has been so great to get things dry in the sunshine.
So far we have only had one overcast day since we arrived – well it feels like months but is actually only a fortnight, no wonder we need a holiday now. We haven’t reacquainted ourselves with the town yet though we have been to a couple of the further away supermarkets to give our legs a bit of a stretch.
The marina isn’t particularly full at the moment and there is a lot of coming and going. We have met up with Gary from Acarius of Plymouth again, we last talked to him in St. Martin and have since found out that the reason we didn’t see him on the dock in Nanny Cay was because he was in the yard having some work done. We went for a sundowner at one of the bars here the other night and caught up on what we had both been doing. His was the last boat to get here before the rally ended so it was interesting to find out what we had missed. There are a few other ARC boats, some for this year’s Atlantic crossing from Las Palmas, some from ARC Portugal and of course us ARC Europe folk.
We have been enjoying being here again, we had fond memories from 2009/2010 and there have been a few changes. Of course we are here at the height of the season this time so the town and marina area is quite busy most of the time. Many people who stay here long term have a 9 month contract so they head off in June and will be back here again in September, we are hoping to find a few familiar faces amongst them as well as looking forward to making other new friends.
We suspect we will be coming back here in September for a rest though, with our family scattered around the UK we can easily fill 4 weeks before we have to think about what we are doing, and this year we will be attending Megan and Jacob’s Wedding in Cornwall too so it’s going to be a busy time. And of course there are all the grand children to kiss, cuddle and play with… and the family to catch up with - we can’t wait.
Ps we are hoping to have time to post some photos very soon.
More in due course
Susan and Andrew
Andromeda of Plymouth
Marina de Lagos,