
andromeda of plymouth
Susan and Andrew Wilson
Tue 4 Aug 2009 14:32
Hello everyone, as you can see we made it away from
La Trinite and even managed to find the fuel dock and persuade the pumps to
accept one of our cards although not our preferred one - that was once we were
able to find the dock in the first place. Anyway leaving our berth was fairly
straight forward for once as the boat next door obligingly went out an hour
before hand and left us plenty of room to play in. We are now anchored off
the lovely islqnd of Houat (pronounced What, yes that is right) and between
keeping an eye on transits we are preparing for tomorrow......yipeee. Fingers
crossed the wind is due to change direction about midday. Andrew has been busy
assembling the wind vane so we have all these extra lines from the stern of the
boat, I am really looking forward to seeing it in action and we now have to
think of a name for it. We have called our auto pilot Orion to follow the
Andromeda theme and will let you know what we decide on for a name for the wind
vane. Although we have only been here an hour or so Andrew has already
spotted a dolphin diving in the distance so next time I hope to report that we
have seen them swimming around us.
We will leave you for now, think I will break out
one of the champagne bottles to celebrate being in this lovely place and wait
for the sun to set, maybe even take some piccies - oooh Andrew has just got a
cold one from the fridge so I think it could be martini time.
more next time
Andrew & Susan
S/V Andromeda |