First missive.....

andromeda of plymouth
Susan and Andrew Wilson
Mon 9 Feb 2009 14:00
onboard the good ship Andromeda of Plymouth.
We plan to leave the UK in July with the YM Biscay Triangle Rally as far
as La Caruna. There will leave the rally an continue on our own down the
coast of northwest Spain and Portugal, with the aim of over wintering in
Lagos. Next year we plan to cruise southern spain, the western med and
north africa, then across to the Canaries to join the 2010 ARC. There we
hope to be joined by our family for the Atlantic crossing.
So over the next few months we will be adding to this diary so all those
interested in following our adventures can see what we've been up to - all
the highs and most of the lows will be faithfully recorded and we will
look to throw in some pictures as well......assuming we can master the
technology :-)
More in due course.