
andromeda of plymouth
Susan and Andrew Wilson
Mon 17 Aug 2009 10:16
Our destination today was Sanxenxo – pronounce that! – we now understand
that if you call on the radio and no one answers it’s because no one
speaks English – duh!!!!!
The reason why we have not been updating more regularly is because the
power supply to the Iridium phone has failed so no regular position
updates! We will endeavour to sort this out as soon as possible.
The trip here was ok in that we managed to sail for about an hour or so
before the wind died – where are these north easterly trade winds – El
Nino clearly – so Sue, captain Bligh just has to have is rant!! So more of
a motor sail rather than a nice sail – still the scenery was very nice
once the haze had lifted. It was strangely quiet in terms of yachts and
other boats moving around as we had thought that this would be quite a
busy time.
An interesting place Sanxenxo – an up market Spanish holiday destination
with prices to match and we can only stay one night due to a regatta
tomorrow so we will head off up the Ria and look for an anchorage for a
day or so. We plan to go round to Vigo shortly afterwards and then on to
Bayona which has been highly recommended to us, so we are looking forward
to spending a few days there. Large number of fireworks being set off as
today appears to be a saint’s day – the dogs are going beserk! We will
update again as soon as technology permits and we get the Iridium