Noon update

andromeda of plymouth
Susan and Andrew Wilson
Fri 10 Sep 2010 12:22
34:50.60N 20:40.62W
We had a fantastic display by dolphins yesterday
afternoon - they were with us for about 20 minutes and its impossible to put a
number to them, but there were quite a few it seemed. Lots of jockeying for
position on the bow wave and quite a lot of jumping. These were the small
spotted dolphins that were about 1-2 metres in length - wonderful. Other than
the Sheerwaters the only other wildlife of note was a turtle of about a metre in
length doggedly swimming towards Madeira. We've only seen two other ships so far
and the ocean seems very empty. Spectacular sunset last night - we doubt any
photos will do it justice but we'll post what we've got just in case the colours
do show. We are making slowish progress due to light winds and an adverse wave
pattern that slows Andromeda down. More in due course.......
Andrew & Susan
S/V Andromeda |