We are waiting, we are waiting........

andromeda of plymouth
Susan and Andrew Wilson
Tue 24 Jun 2014 13:24
Well here we are once again in a cloudy and overcast Ponta Delgada with the bustling container ships and bulk carriers behind us and a partially full marina around us. We have sort of recovered and are now getting a few jobs done before looking for a weather window to head to Santa Maria, some 60 miles SE of here and then set off for the last, fairly long leg to Lagos. Hopefully the winds will be kind in the next few weeks!
Today has been getting on with jobs day - replensihing the water tanks, cleaning the boat, putting away all the wet weather gear, and waiting for the fridge repair man - yes its gone again. Why we are not sure as all the indicator lights say everything is ok, but its not getting cold, so it isn't working correctly - compressor, refridgerant....we don't know. The marina kindly found us a fridge repair person so we are waiting - could be a Portguese "maybe time" sort of thing!. Still we shall be patient, for a while anyway.
We had a nice meal at the yacht club last night and we caught up with e-mails and Facebook - there is no reliable wifi here, so we must frequent bars and restaurants - its tough isn't it! We did manage to catch up with Athenea who are here before heading off to Lagos soon, and there are yachts Puerki and Kalimba here, with no crew though, from the original ARC Europe starters.
Anyway a few more jobs to do before we head off, but we'll try and grin and bear it.................we do like Sao Miguel and its people and are looking forward to the trip to Santa Maria very soon as well.
More in due course......Andrew did stop the squeak from the fenders, well nearly all of them..........
Andrew & Susan
S/V Andromeda