Happy Happy Birthday......do de do de dum.......

andromeda of plymouth
Susan and Andrew Wilson
Tue 1 Jul 2014 17:15
It's Andrew's 60th birthday today and for the next
10 weeks he is the same age as me before I once again creep ahead......So far
today I think he has had a nice day. This morning for the one time of the
year, well maybe a couple of other occasions too, I made him a cup of tea first
- well it is his birthday. Scouring Ponta Delgada I managed to find some
things to surprise him with as well - and not just my singing, well
not yet, I am lulling hiim into a false sense of security that maybe I will
forget to do it. The phone started tweeting early this morning and
there has been a stream of texts, emails, facebook comments and phone calls to
remind him of his big day. But as you know we still have to do the other
stuff too and with our departure planned for tomorrow we had to get on with
The laundry was hit early so that when we get to
Lagos our berths will be all lovely and clean and just right for falling into
to. Last minute provisions have been purchased and stowed away. The boat
log has been cleaned incase any little creatures had decided to make their home
there. The water tanks are filled and so is the fuel tank and we went and
cleared out with the authorities. Lots of the bits and pieces that seem to creep
out and inhabit any spare space have been tracked down and most of them put back
where they should be..... Andromeda is almost ready to cast off the lines and
head out into the big blue ocean once again.
We have decided that, as there is a good
weather window, to head straight to Lagos, although it probably won't look
exactly like that from our track, we have to head as if we are going to Lisbon
first of all and once near the coast will head down to Cabot St. Vincent and
round the corner to Lagos...well that is the plan at the moment. Also a reminder
that we will longer be tracked by the yellow brick as that has now arrived back
in the UK. We will be updating our blog everyday with our Noon position for
anyone interested in following us. (Web diary at the Mailasail.com webiste -
This distance is very similar to the run from Nanny
Cay to Bermuda and we expect to take about the same time or maybe a bit less, we
shall see what happens.
Till then there is the afternoon sunshine to enjoy,
the lovely Ponta Delgada showers to enjoy and more importantly the decision as
to which restaurant we shall go to, to celebrate Andrew's birthday. We
have narrowed it down to either the Italian/Portuguese Sushi place (La Cantina)
or a Chinese restaurant we haven't been to. A tough decision - I wonder what
Andrew is going to choose (it's a good job we don't need to
Now for bonus points who can remember the ' Happy
Birthday' song from the 80's, it was released when Nick was a baby and I always
remember bouncing round the kitchen jogging him up and down to it....and it's
not the Stevie Wonder one..........Happy, Happy birthday to you
More in due course
Andrew & Susan
S/V Andromeda of Plymouth Ponta Delgada
San Miguel