Tuesday on my mind..........whale there you go....

andromeda of plymouth
Susan and Andrew Wilson
Tue 20 May 2014 15:01
N27:12: W64:35:
So here we are drifting in less than 5kts of wind -
there is nothing we can do in such light winds, especially as they are from the
north - we can't tack as we have no way on. So its drifting for us until wind
arrives at some stage in the coming weeks. We have to preserve some fuel for
when we arrive, so the engine is off for the time being and we watch the flat
sea, showers in the distance, numerous clumps of seaweed floating by and a
pair of Shearwaters flying low around the boat. It is very quiet however, and
brilliant for cooking, sleeping and getting around the boat without too many
bruises. Not good for progress north however. Andromeda is very shiny after
Susan's ministrations yesterday!
Yesterday was however a first for us - we saw a
pair of whales lazily swimming on the surface some 200 metres away, heading
south. Whilst we have seen numerous dophins this is the first time we've seen
whales. Really pleased. We were quite glad they weren't closer it must
be said given their size. What species they were we are unsure - it looked like
they had a dolphin shaped fin on their backs - Fin Whales? Perhaps someone could
let us know in due course.
So when you see little progress on the Yellowbrick,
you'll know why. We've tried the wind dance, and libations of rum and whisky
(Andrew's loss) and Martinia but the wind has stubbornly refused to
act and Neptune is clearly busy elsewhere.
So its definitely a day on our
Andrew & Susan
S/V Andromeda |