Day 10 - and then there were 4....

andromeda of plymouth
Susan and Andrew Wilson
Wed 1 Dec 2010 13:55
After a few days of hard decision making, I have
decided that because of Alice and Isaac at home and work commitments looming
soon after christmas that I am going to have to abandon the epic voyage at this
point. I would have loved to complete the crossing but came to the decision that
I would much rather leave at this point having thoroughly enjoyed the experience
thus far rather than stay and slug through the crossing running the risk of
resnting the experience if it over ran much and stopped me seeing Liz and the
kids over christmas before I am due to fly off for work again.
A big thank you to everyone for their support
during this venture, especially to Nick and Phill who are continuing on as crew
thereby making my decision to fly home at this point slightly less difficult as
Mum and Dad still have a pair of deckhands. And an enormous thank you to Mum and
Dad for letting me crew for them this far - I started with very few pre
conceived ideas about what life would be like on the ocean, and thanks to their
experience and planning it has been great if tiring.
I wish Mr & Mrs Captain and crew of Andromeda
the best of luck, safe sailing and favourable winds for the rest of their
adventure and look forward to hopefully joining them again in the
All that remains is for me to sign off with a
double backwards somersault through a hoop whist whistling the star spangled
S/V Andromeda