Valletta to Gozo

Mor Toad / Moy Toad
David and Jocelyn Fawcett
Fri 27 Oct 2017 18:30

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After 9 nights in the marina in Valetta we finally escaped this morning with 3 friends who joined us late on Wednesday ( yesterday spent sightseeing in Malta still to be blogged! ) and sailed round the south side of Malta to Gozo hoping to anchor but sadly now in another marina but thankfully much smaller quieter and we here for 2 nights before heading back to Sicily. We investigated the anchorage that had been recommended but 2 boats already in there deep and very narrow so no go.

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Interesting sailing round Malta leaving the very built up and frenetic Valletta - a place that is just larger than life it was interesting to see that the rest of the island certainly coastal is very sparsely populated. Many large boats anchored out at sea ‘waiting’ and a large container port on one side of the island

A lumpy sea and plenty of wind so a good sail . 5 of us on board so plenty of crew.

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So tomorrow we intend to explore Gozo - quite how ? bike, foot , open top bus, car or buggy - the worlds out Oyster it would seem having walked into the town for a beer and found the hire shop near where the ferries.