The great cabbage patch

34:13.696S 174:45.026E As we approach New Zealand territorial waters, we will be passing through the great cabbage patch. This is where all the yachts on passage from Tonga, Fiji or Samoa jettison the left overs of their cabbages, the only long-lasting greens available this time of year in the tropics. This, in preparation for the stringent biosecurity measures implemented by the Kiwi Government. I imagine some kind of molecular cabbage vortex, endlessly circling New Zealand. Franco thought there might be a risk of cabbage sharks. We are motoring across the sky, or at least that’s what it feels like as the ocean and the sky merge seamlessly in the stillness ... insane? Maybe just a little. Not to worry, weather permitting, we will be making landfall at 7am local time in Opua. |