Day 74 Regatta in Seno Aysén

Caramor - sailing around the world
Franco Ferrero / Kath Mcnulty
Thu 27 Oct 2016 02:57
45:14.05S 73:29.86W After a night spent in Coyhaique, the regional capital of Aysén, in a wood-clad, wood-lined, wood everything Hostel Salmandras, we got back to Caramor with our clean laundry and fresh food. While we were away Caramor had seen fit to introduce a few ‘house plants’. Mould growing in the kitchen cupboard. (These grew as the temperature rose in the four days we were away!) There was also a wriggly something behind the bubblewrap insulation. Time to declare ‘spring’ and do some deep cleaning. Not usually a fan of bleach, I have to say it has its place on a boat. Franco stripped all the bubblewrap off so we now can see again through the windows, hurrah! Today we sailed 28.2 miles in a zig zag down Seno Aysén, as usual the weather was glorious. The noteworthy event of the day was passing another yacht, actually sailing. Ithaka’s crew is from Aberdeen and they are heading south. They radioed us and Anna and I had a good old natter on channel 17. She gave us some very good information about the Pacific islands we hope to visit on our crossing. Ithaka After spending some time ashore, we are pleased to be back in the channels. The other boats, fish farms and various huts and structures ashore no longer feel such an intrusion. We are heading north again and other than the odd diversion to a hot spring, we will press on towards Puerto Montt (lemon meringue pies and horses are calling). Canal Pilcomayo Maca Volcano 2,300m From Seno Aysén, we turned into Canal Pilcomayo where there were dozens of pelicans. Trying to capture a half decent photograph wasn’t easy. I hear that practice makes perfect and I hope to post a much better one later on. Pelican Puerto Rosita, our anchorage |