Day 84 A very wet day

Caramor - sailing around the world
Franco Ferrero / Kath Mcnulty
Sun 6 Nov 2016 01:58
44:26.66S 72:53.24W Looking like two shrivelled prunes, it was time for us to leave the decadent luxury of the lodge and head north once again. The forecast was bad, three days of pissing rain and strong winds so we anchored a short distance away and waited for things to improve. Today was the day, the wind was due to back south-west around midday so we had an early lunch and set sail. It poured, and poured and poured some more … and the wind stayed north-westerly. Not much to see By early evening the gusts had ceased and the wind steadied as we tic-tacked across Canal Jacaf to our anchorage Pozo Elyxir where we were invited to raft up with a fishing boat. The friendly crew dive for clams at low water but the bad weather today prevented them from diving. From left to right: Cristofer, Angel, Oscar, Jose and Luis |