Day 12 Sunshine sailing in Canal Pitt

Caramor - sailing around the world
Franco Ferrero / Kath Mcnulty
Fri 26 Aug 2016 01:20
50:16.8S 74:33.85W Another bright sunshine day in the Chilean Channels, spring is on the way. Canal Pitt is off the main shipping route which may explain why we haven’t seen or heard (on the radio) anyone for days. It is also very deep so maybe not very good for crab pots or fishing. Throughout the day we spotted small groups of white flecks just above the water, the face markings of magellanic penguins. As we haven’t seen any since the Strait of Magellan, we are wondering if these are slowly making their way south for the next breeding season. Sunshine and light but favourable winds make the skipper a happy man The bonus today was that we were able to sail practically the whole distance with the wind on the beam or behind us. On a couple of occasions the wind died, we waited, nothing happened, frustratingly we could see wind ripples on the water just a short distance ahead. We only needed to motor a few hundred metres and we had wind again. We are determined to find a way of rigging a couple of long oars. Kath at the helm approaching the anchorage Caramor is anchored in Matriz Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza, a bit of a mouthful, which means the Womb of Our Lady of Hope. It is a very pretty inlet, and again we are looking for otters but so far no luck. The evening view from the anchorage P.S. It rained fairly heavily for 24h while we were in Steamer Duck Lagoon.