18 12.8N 071 05.3W BAHARONA, R OF DOMINICA

Around the world with the Aqualunies
Jonathan & Gabrielle Lyne
Tue 2 Apr 2019 02:01
We got up as early as possible and tried to take the dingy as near as possible to the town but the wall to moor up was rough and the sea was large and slapping against it. We saw one dingy with a couple getting in, it looked precarious to say the least. We had a chat with them and they said they had just sailed from the Bahamas on their way loosing the use of their Perkins engine they got a tow into the bay from another yacht but we offered to tow them in to the more sheltered area which we did in the afternoon. Meanwhile we took our dingy to the ‘club nautico’ which was near us, the guy there charged us $30 US for mooring the dingy there…… despite having had a beer or two there the night before. We got a taxi from a really nice chap called Juan his phone number is:- 8097291810 a comfortable taxi to the market. The market had been highly recommended for its fruit and veg. There was not much in the fruit variety when we went and the market was more or less straight out of Africa. It was very dirty underfoot, best not to wear flip flops! It was also fun even with motor bikes whizzing up and down the isles and the noise and mayhem. We managed to buy guite a lot of veg and fruit from various stall holders. I spent a few hours cleaning them all using white vinegar to get the dirt etc. off. This may be the last fruit and veg before we get to Cuba where there is still shortage of food.
We invited Mike and Kate Chamberlin from S/Y KealohaV, which we towed into a more sheltered spot, to dinner of duck. A pleasant evening chatting about everything.
Photos to follow of the market as I am unable to send them now due to iridium.