00.45 S; 090.18W

Around the world with the Aqualunies
Jonathan & Gabrielle Lyne
Thu 11 Mar 2010 18:09
We arrived safely and are now at anchor in Admiralty Bay in Santa
Cruz. There are 29 yachts in the Blue Water Rally and so the bay looks
very festive with our battle flags and rally flags flying. We arrived, as
expected, at 9am on Tuesday, clocks now adjusted to 6 hours behind
GMT. After two weeks at sea after leaving Panama the boat looked a
mess. The pollution in Panama dumped so much fine black dust on the yacht
and on the mosquito netting covering our hatches. I set to cleaning the
galley and fridge, the Pikes did their cabin and corridor, Jonathan set to on
the saloon and Allan on the cockpit. No point doing the rest of the yacht
as no abundance of fesh water to do so.
We all met for a Blue Water Rally 'Happy Hour' at 'The Rock' a bar/cafe in
the town. Huge fun, great atmosphere and a very high noise level. It was
lovely to be able to chat to other 'First Mates' (wives) from the other yachts
and find out their experience of the sail across. Much to my suprise, like me,
they found it arduous as it is so hot and cooking and doing domestic work below
decks can be very tedious especially with little sleep, something the guys find
it difficult to understand I think. Some of them are flying back and not doing
the long trip to the Marquesas. One very brave couple have two very young
children on board which must have made it extra difficult. We are forming a
'First Mates' support group and will be having a very girly night out on the
town together.
Day two in the Galapagos and after sorting things out on the yacht we
joined the others on a beach about two miles away, a lovely walk through the
most amazing prickly pear trees. Lizards playing on the path and Darwins Finches
using sticks to get insects out of tight spots. We got to the first beach,
a long stretch of long white, soft sand and a huge surf coming in. Iguanas
were sunbathing on the beach or belly flopped down in the wet sand to
cool off, huge pelicans diving for fish, and turtle tracks up to the sand dunes
where nests are marked by poles and red ribbon. The sea there has too much
undertow to swim so we walked on to the next bay which is protected by a reef
and mangrove and met the others. We swam in blissfully warm water, no
jelly bugs, turtles popping up in the distance, the odd Iguana going for a
swim and Pelicans diving for fish just next to us. We found a lovely tree to
shelter from the sun. Jonathan found a board of wood and made a makeshift
sunbed, photos attached.
The Pikes chatted to a long boat owner and so we did the trip back by
boat. We saw Blue Footed Boobies, seals, Frigate Birds and had great fun
going out from the cove through the large surf. We were dropped off at the
far end of the town where there were sea lions on the steps resting. Had a
lovely lunch at a cafe and virgin Mohitos to drink, very refreshing, the guys
had beer. Back to the yacht for a siesta and then on to The Rock for happy
hour with the other Blue Water rally crowd. We all ended up having dinner
at the street food stalls at one long table down the centre of the road. Water
Taxi back to the boat at 12.30 pm.