23:29.677N 31:08.433W

Around the world with the Aqualunies
Jonathan & Gabrielle Lyne
Fri 27 Nov 2015 18:22
As you may have noticed on the log chart we had a bit of a wiggly waggly course as we were looking for wind last night. My watch from 3 - 5 am was good except I had to reduce the genoa as a big squall was coming up behind us, this didn’t help much so got Jonathan up to help me take a reef in the main. Yacht eventually settled and we were able to make a more southerly course broad reaching. It was a beautiful night with good moonlight which is great to see what is going on. We also had our first lot of Flying Fish land on deck.
When I awoke this morning ‘the boys’ were hoisting the bright pink asymmetric (hereinafter referred to as the Pink Panther) which has helped hugely in the light winds and with our speed. The Pink Panther comment was made by Jervis.
Sue’s contribution below.
Gabbie has asked me to write in the blog today - cannot believe we have been going 6 days already. Sailing nonstop is never going to be boring I have found out(well so far).. There are so may things to do but unlike at home everything takes far longer for example boiling an egg took me nearly half an hour the other morning!! we eat all our meals on deck. Charles and I took the midnight to 3am watch today and as I was sitting on deck in the light of the full moon there was a very fishy smell….then a few dolphins swam up and alongside us. The fishy smell was a flying fish that landed just by me which I never saw until this morning!! We all have our lee sheets up on our bunks to stop us sliding all over the place at night. We now have the Asymetric sail up together with the mainsail as the wind has died down to about 15 knots at the moment. Yesterday it was fairly calm so the washing machine was usable and we washed and hung out 5 days of washing from the 5 of us. What a sight! It is getting to be a lot warmer now so we are in shorts and T shirts even at night. We are leaving our clocks on GMT onboard but I believe we will be 5 hours behind when we hit St Lucia. As I write this sitting by the chart table I momentarily glance through the glass as we slide down huge swells, it is wonderful. I think I’m getting the sailing bug oh dear. Aqualuna is a beautiful yacht and feels very safe even when it gets rough as it was the first few days.