10.24N; 075.32W

Around the world with the Aqualunies
Jonathan & Gabrielle Lyne
Mon 25 Jan 2010 12:32
We arrived yesterday, after a very mixed sail of no wind this morning and
huge gusts during the night. The first sight were tall high rises on the horizon
appearing out of the haze. We came in the N. entrance as it is busier and
therefore less likelyhood of being boarded by thieves. The entrance in was very,
very narrow, a wall has been built to prevent swell entering the harbour, and is
eight foot below the surface, the entrance in is marked by buoys but not a lot
of space between them. Once in it opens up into a huge bustling harbour.
Amongst the modern buildings at the entrance is a beautiful old Spanish
Our water maker (desalinator) has been playing up and refused to work,
Jonathan took off the panel and found the wires had burnt out, so we now have no
way of making fresh water, the thought of getting loads of jerry cans, if we
can, for our Pacific crossing does not appeal. We are hoping to find an
agent here or in Panama who can fix it. It worked very well last week and
has done without mishap for the last two and half years. The Marinas are
full, so after filling up with fuel and water at the dock we went to
anchor. Spent most of the day doing two weeks worth of laundry. I have
been rechristened " Mrs Washy Line".
Club Nautica, which we are anchored off, had a good write up but when we
took the dinghy in yesterday evening the building had been pulled down and it is
now a building site. We got a taxi to Centro, the old city, the atmosphere
was fantastic and really the description of the area is 'Luscious' in every
way, the buildings and people, the cafes and restaurants all
fantastic. Looking forward to doing some more exploring today.
LORIGAY, another BWR yacht is moored 50 yards away and they are coming over
for drinks tonight. They have been here a few days and leave for the San Blas