29-30th Nov' Aqualunie blog

Around the world with the Aqualunies
Jonathan & Gabrielle Lyne
Fri 30 Nov 2007 12:04
Having just sent off my blog yesterday, within 10 mins action happened.
First, we all just as we sat down in the cockpit for lunch, one
of the fishing lines ran and an 8lb Darado was hauled in; just as we settled
down again the other line ran, this time it was a 20lb Skipjack Tuna so
afterslowing the yacht down again it was landed and dumped into the patent flip
top bin on our aft deck.All was fine until Jonathan removed the Dorado from the bin to determine the
result of the "guess the weight" competition when the Tuna that was also in
the bin tipped it over and fell out, taking the bin with it! Fortunately the
tuna was still attached to the line so we slowed the yacht down AGAIN!
Jonathan wasfighting it all the way in saying how difficult it was and decided it was
still alive, but when it was hoistedon board for the secound time it was a very dead Tuna; rigor mortis in the
bin had caused it to curl slightly so as he reeled it in it twisted making J
think it was still alive. At least we didn't lose it. Sausages are
off tonight, tuna steaks for dinner instead. (Did them marinated in a sauce
made with pounded corriander seed, a little bit of chilli pepper, corriander
and basil leaves and lots of lemon juice, quickly put on the griddle pan and
off again). Just as the fish was being hauled in a very wet squall came
through soaking some of lunch which we didn't get below in time. All settled
down again and sitting here at our raised chart table watching another yacht
(looks larger than us) neck andneck. Tried calling them up but no answer, don't think our radio is working
too well, as we can hear all the position roll-calls at 3p.m. everyday but
when we call in ours they are unable to hear us.
Rain squalls stopped overnight, fabulous night with lots of stars, wind has
picked up again so we have gone back up to making 8-9 knots on average,
rather than the 6-7 knots we did yesterday morning.
EX Exe has just found the first flying fish on the deck so the task for this
afternoon ( after the comparative sashimi tasting for lunch) is to rig it as
dead bait to try to catch a wahoo!
p.s.. 'photo of the Tuna attached.
Love from the Aqualunies.