25:22.681N 21:19.376

Around the world with the Aqualunies
Jonathan & Gabrielle Lyne
Tue 24 Nov 2015 18:45
Surfed down a wave at 14+ knots this morning. Wind trades have set in and so we are goose winged our genoa and staysail both attached to spinnaker poles which works well as we can roll them in in rain squalls and let out as we wish.
Our fishing lines are now out but no bites so far, hope we do catch something as it will be a total loss of face after Jonathan had given his fishing seminar at the ARC gathering.
I made a large fruit salad this morning as the papaya was becoming too ripe too quickly. I made it with mangoes, kiwi, papaya, pineapple, apple, and mandarins with a squeeze of lime. We had it with yogurt I make out of the sachets for my ‘EasiYo’ Yogurt Maker a New Zealand idea which I bought in Lakelands and some muesli.
Tonight we have lamb chops with garlic and rosemary, ratatouille and new potatoes.
We have decided to head a little further south as according the long term weather forecast there are a few blue holes (no wind) just near the 25 degree north line on Friday and we don’t want to be caught in the becalmed area. There are a few fickle areas of blue holes increasing along the way which we will have to try to avoid, this I picked up from the web site ‘windity.com’ and took screen shots for 12 noon each day until Friday week. We also have Steve Everett giving us more up to date weather forecasts for the area we are sailing in, which is great and huge thanks for his hard work.
We have all spaced out now and are no longer a close group of yachts. One yacht (no names mentioned) kept tacking across our bow all day yesterday, a bit like a pesky fly, they will take forever to cross if they keep that Zig zag up!. until it became really annoying as they were coming quite close across our bow which meant we had to change tack which happened in the middle of dinner last night. We called them up in the end and asked them very nicely not to match race us in the middle of the Atlantic as we have quite a wide large area to sail, we were not in the racing team and could they in future keep some distance from us. A young female came back quite put out and said they were trying to keep away from the squalls coming up behind them, when we looked there were none…..
We have quite a lot of cumulus cloud at the moment and drops of rain but a steady wind of about 20 -23 knots.
17.45 Fishing line ran, just caught a 6lb Mahi-mahi, pulled in by Charles, gutted by Jonathan.
All well on board although everybody feels a tad tired as they get used to the yacht movement and constantly trying to sleep as they move in their bunks.