36:06.467N 069:47.933W

Around the world with the Aqualunies
Jonathan & Gabrielle Lyne
Sat 1 Jul 2017 09:58
Bermuda to Newport, Rhode Island.
Saturday, 1st July, 2017

1 a.m. My turn for the 1 - 5 am night watch again. We are nearly out of the Gulf stream. The water temp’ went up to 28.5c now the other side of it is 22.8c. The wind is SWesterly so it was with the current which ran at 4 knots during last night but is now down to 1.1 knot which is now running with the yacht. So far we have covered 484 nautical miles since leaving Bermuda on Tuesday, we have 143 nautical miles to go. We are hoping to be in Newport just before sunset on Saturday evening. We have sailed throughout Friday averaging 8 - 9 knots speed. Nothing eventful has happened so far, we have had a few ships coming and going across the Atlantic. This evening at sunset we had a pod of about 20 Dolphins playing around the bow, trying to get a good photo was not so easy. The J yachts have now most probably arrived and as far as we can see on AIS and visually there are no other yachts around.

All the marinas are full at the moment because of the 4th July celebrations for American Independence Day. Our plan is to clear immigration hopefully on Sunday morning. The Bellamys have booked a mooring buoy on our behalf in Bristol up river from Newport as there is a dinner/dance at the Maritime museum and fireworks on the evening of the 3rd July, which should be fun.