17.20S; 179.13W

Around the world with the Aqualunies
Jonathan & Gabrielle Lyne
Thu 8 Jul 2010 00:30
We have arrived in the Fiji via the Vanuabalavu Passage in the Lau group of islands, (sadly it is an area we are not allowed to visit unless we have permission as scientists as they are trying to protect the islands from too many visitors and western influence) and are now sailing up though the islands to Savu Savu on the island of Vanua Levu to join up with the other BWR yachts.  We, along with a Catamaran called 'Natibou', were the only yachts to take this passage in, everybody went up north.  We are going to find a bay tonight to anchor in as there are many reefs around so sailing at night is not reccomended. 
 Yesterday Jonathan caught a 15lb Dorado/Mahimahi/Dolphin fish, we were not going to put the lines out again, but then Tuna were seen just inside the passage so although we had the asymetric up we put a line out.  Within half and hour we caught a 20kg. Yellow fin Tuna,(pictures to follow) so guess what we are having for lunch...Sashumi 
We had to put Jonathan up the mast this morning as well as we found a split pin on top of the Dodger hood and we were not sure where it had come from, so the mast and stays had to be checked, all looked intact, we eventually found it had pinged up from a life line fitting, it must have happened during the night when the preventer caught it. 
Difficult to believe we are now on the same longitude as New Zealand and are officially in the Eastern Hemisphere of Greenwich meantime.  have noticed on the chart that there are a lot of undersea active volcanoes around here.