Getting ready 12/1/10

Around the world with the Aqualunies
Jonathan & Gabrielle Lyne
Tue 12 Jan 2010 14:08
Well this is the first day of the Aqualuna Blog for this journey across from the Caribbean to Australia.
The frustration of being stuck in Antigua still waiting for the air con and 'fridge to be mended, neither are cold.  Once these are sorted I can stock up with fresh food and we can set sail for the ABC Islands.  This will be four days at sea approximately.
The plan is to meet up with the rest of the Blue Water Rally on the 2nd Feb' in El Porvenir north of the San Blas Islands.  The sooner we get going the more time we will have exploring the ABCs, Cartagena and the San Blas Islands.
Sailing with us from here as far as Panama are Fen and John Boxhall old Hong Kong friends.